How to use the list of Groups for History and Culture


The list is in Alphabetical order by Group name. If you wish you can just browse through the list. Click Next at the bottom of the page to see the next section of the list.


The list can be searched by entering a keyword e.g History, Shakespeare, etc


The table below shows the groups which are currently available. It also shows which groups have Vacancies and which are Full.

Every group   provides accessibility information. 

We have classified the access facilities in every venue we use according to the following codes.  

PVHL: Public venue, fully accessible with a hearing loop

PV: Public venue, fully accesible but without a hearing loop

PVAL: Public venue, access limited

O: Outdoors

MH: Member’s Home, access varies

Z: Online

Art History - 5NicolaMHFridayMonthly Week 2 Full
Art History and Appreciation 3SusanMHMondayMonthly Week 3Full
Art History and Appreciation 4AlisonPVMondayWeeks 2 & 4
EgyptologyLornaPVTuesdayMonthly Weeks 1,2 ,4 &5Full
Family History 1DerekMHWednesdayMonthly Week 3Full
History of Britain 1PeterMHTuesdayAlternate WeeksFull
History of Britain 2YvonneMHFridayMonthly Week 3Vacancies
History European 2JuliaZThursdayAlternate WeeksVacancies
History - Local 1Fiona & Jean MHFridayMonthly Last WeekFull
History - Local 2AverillOAs and When
History of London 1MickPVTuesdayWeeks 1 & 3 Vacancies
History of London 3LindaPVALFridayMonthly (Last Friday)Full
History of Medicine 2JoannaMHWednesdayMonthly week 2Vacancies
History - MedievalMargaretZThursdayAlternate WeeksVacancies
History of Roman BritainJenniferMHThursdayMonthly Week 3Full
History – EuropeanIvorMHThursdayMonthly Week 1
Natural History GroupSylviaOThursdayWeek 3Vacancies
Walks London History 1AverillOWednesdayMonthly Week 2Vacancies
Walks London History 3DanielOTuesdayMonthly Week 1Vacancies
World War IICatherinePVThursdayWeek 3Vacancies