We send two regular email updates to Barnet u3a members:
Weekly Update
This email update gives you a brief heads-up on forthcoming Barnet u3a events, new activity groups or groups looking for more members, and outings, trips or cruises you may like to join, plus other news coming from within Barnet u3a. Where necessary, it links to this website where you can find more information. It is emailed each Sunday morning to members who have subscribed to it.
Occasionally, a Special Notice with urgent/ important news may be emailed out on other days.
To submit an item, please:
- Draft a short item (max 100 words) and give it a factual title.
- Include any attachment (flyer etc) you would like included as a pdf.
- Put For Weekly Update: in the subject line.
- Email it to updates@barnetu3a.org.uk
Copy deadline
The copy deadline each week is Thursday 5pm. The editor reserves the right to edit your copy and title in the interests of clarity, brevity and the Weekly Update house style. Where appropriate, she will email the edited version back to you as soon as possible for you to approve before it is published.
News about groups
If you want an item about a group to go in the Groups News section, please send your copy by 12.30pm Thursday to our Groups Co-ordinator Johanne Carstairs.
See this week’s Weekly Update and archives.
Weekly Update editor: Nicola Baker
Non-Bu3a Monthly Update
This email update is where Bu3a members can share news about events or activities from other local organisations, which may be of interest to our members in the coming month or so, subject to meeting our editorial criteria. It is emailed to our members on the last Friday of each month.
To submit an item:
- Draft a short item.
- Please include your name and Barnet u3a Membership Number (so we can confirm you are a bona fide member).
- Include any attachment (flyer etc) you would like to go with your item as a pdf.
- Put For Monthly Update: in the subject line with a draft title for your item.
- Email it to updates@barnetu3a.org.uk
Copy deadline
The copy deadline is the Wednesday before the Friday issue, e.g. Wednesday 26 December for Friday 28 December issue.
Non-Bu3a Monthly Update Editor: Penny Potsides
If you have any comments or suggestions about our e-updates, please contact us via updates@barnetu3a.org.uk